+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Why should I switch my Samsung Galaxy S3 in the GSM mode?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

You often hear the advice that his Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone you should switch to GSM mode. This is intended to have certain advantages over the automatic power mode occur, we would like to explain briefly.

Benefits when switching to GSMS mode with the Samsung Galaxy S3:

1. Improve network coverage to call.

Especially if you are in rural areas, it may be that network coverage through UMTS, HSPA and LTE is not very good and that's why the power reception on these frequencies is correspondingly poor. A telephone connection that runs over such a network can still be gekennzecihnet by votes distortion or disconnections.

The benefits: Switch to GSM, you make calls over the best developed frequency band and you will get the best possible network coverage with your Samsung Galaxy S3. However, on a fast Internet connection, you have to give.

2. battery life of the Samsung Galaxy S3 is increased by changing to GSM

If you in the GSM mode switching, enter before the Samsung Galaxy S3 that this should only remain in this mode. In comparison, the "Automatic mode" selects the Samsung Galaxy S3 from getting the network, which is fastest, even if it has only a low signal strength. So it may be that in some areas a frequent change between LTE, HSPA and UMTS takes place when all the networks have only low signal strengths. This exchange between bands cost more power.

Switch to GSM mode, you increase the battery life, because so true defined as fixed the GSM network.

Finally, we now want to explain how to switch to the Samsung Galaxy S3 or even every other Android smartphone with Jelly Bean firmware into the GSM network mode you.

To do this, open the menu and go to the settings. From there on "Wireless & networks -> Advanced Settings -> Mobile networks -.> Network mode Select the mode" GSM only "to be permanently logged into the GSM network.

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