+4 votes
Samsung Galaxy S3, in addition to SMS is "Draft", although SMS has been sent. Why?

1 Answer

+5 votes

If you've sent to your Samsung Galaxy S3 a SMS or an MMS, it may happen that you in the message overview see a red "design" in place of the date of the last SMS after closing the corresponding contact.

Does this mean that the SMS has not been sent or that it has been saved as a draft instead of being sent?

Of course not. We want you now briefly explain how it came about, that is at once in red "design" alongside your last SMS.

If the editing window of SMS after sending the SMS is closed, it may be that you still reaches a character on the keyboard, for example, a space or a paragraph fits. This can all happen by mistake, without this being noticed.

The SMS program, however, recognizes this input in the edit Editor as a new SMS. Since this was obviously not sent, this last action will be saved as a draft. For this reason, therefore, is in addition to the SMS a red "design".

You can also check if the message has been delivered, by hitting long on the final text and then goes to message details. There you can see under delivery report whether this has been sent. If it says "receiving" the SMS or MMS with your Samsung Galaxy S3 has been sent correctly.

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