+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 Talkback disable

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you have activated the "talkback" accidentally enabled on your Samsung Galaxy S6 using the input help to test this feature, then the operation of the keys and the touchscreen smartphone will change fundamentally. Talkback on Samsung Galaxy S6 is used to better serve the visually impaired.

Talkback makes itself apparent that appear on the display through a very detailed linguistic explanation of the controls. Also, each function is explained on language.

If your talkback have enabled on your Samsung Galaxy S6 and no longer know how to disable this, then we would like to offer some help here now:

Control of the Samsung Galaxy S6 with activated Talkback function:

A button must be touched always twice in quick succession to an app or open a menu item
You can through the menus or scrolling web pages by placing two fingers on the screen and perform the typical scroll movement. Important: Both fingers must be on display.
To switch between the home screens or scroll through the menu, you will also need two fingers touch the screen and swipe right or left.
These were the most important tips for operating the Samsung Galaxy S6 with activated talkback. Now we show how to Talkback can deactivate:

Talkback on Samsung Galaxy S6 disable:

You now know how the smartphone in talkback mode can be operated. Navigate back to the following submenu:

Open the Home Screen from Menu -> Settings -> Prediction

Here you will find now quite at "Deinste" the entry "talkback". Tap on this and you can double tap the controller off the Talkback function on the Samsung Galaxy S6. Confirm with "OK".

We hope that this article has helped you to deactivate the talkback function on the Samsung Galaxy S6 again.

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