+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Disable Samsung Galaxy S6 Smart Lock completely

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Should you do not need this intelligent Entsperrmethode, we recommend you disable Smart Lock on the Samsung Galaxy S6. How to do this, we explain to you now here in our article:

1. Open Menu -> Settings

2. Typing in "Safety devices" -> Other Security Settings

3. Scrolls in this sub-menu all the way down and then tapping on "Trust Agents"

4. Here you can find "Smart Lock", which can be disabled via the controller

That was about it. You have so successfully disabled Smart Lock on your Samsung Galaxy S6. The above-mentioned intelligent Entsperrmethoden can thus also be used no longer.

Finally!!! Thank u!!
I disabled it as stated above.  I went back to my phone 30 minutes later, and I had to unlock the phone again.  Went back in the the smart lock and it showed it was turned off, yet had to unlock.  What gives?
THANK YOU! AT &T online chat couldn't tell me how to fix it. Said I'd have to go to a store.

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