+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to get BBM on Android devices

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

A little late, BlackBerry messaging application BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) has launched on Android and iPhone. Here's How to download and start using BBM on your Android smartphone.
Note that BBM supports only smartphones Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich running and then they have a 7-inch or less. A nexus 5 of this guide was used. See also: How to get BBM on iPhone and iPad.

Step 1: Download the app from Google Play Store.
Open Play Store on your device or on a web browser and search. ー BBM. ア. the official implementation of BlackBerry BBM is likely to be the top hit. Press the 'Install' button followed by 'OK' to download and install the BBM.
Alternatively you can go to www.bbm.com built from your browser.
Step 2: Open the application.
BBM Once installed, open it by clicking the icon in the menu on the Home screen or application. If you're still in the game store, just click 'Open'.
Step 3: Log on BBM.
If you already have a BlackBerry ID then you can sign directly with it. If you can not create a new one. Either way, once you're connected, you can start messaging all your friends and family who are in BBM.
You can add users to your BBM BBM PIN or share yours with others.

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