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by (40.6k points)
What does Knox Warranty Void 0x1 - solution

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

There may be times when your Samsung smartphone that you get displayed when you view the "Download mode" the following entry:

"Knox Warranty Void 0x1"

If you do not know for what this entry is from your Samsung smartphone, then we would like to briefly explain here.

As a rule, is at the entry "Knox warranty void" the flag to "0x0", which means that the warranty is still fully available and no changes to the equipment were made.

No change means that the smartphone does not gerooted, or a different kernel has been deployed. In this case, the counter would be set to "Knox Warranty Void 0x0". This is positive because so your device still has full warranty protection by Samsung.

In "Knox Warranty Void 0x1" Samsung smartphone was gerooted, or the kernel changes what then by implication means that your warranty against Samsung is extinguished.

You know now what it means when the counter of your Samsung smartphones in the download mode displays the following entry: "Knox Warranty Void 0x1"

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