+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to uninstall Knox?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Root imagine many users will have received notices, after upgrading to Android 4.3, SuperSU application that has been blocked, which, indeed, is due to the protection Knox (as you can see in the picture below).

To fix this there are several methods that allow us to reuse applications SuperSU or RootChecker, but we can put the counter flasheos 0 whenever we have the bootloader that incorporates the official version of Android 4.3 and incorporates a so-called "set Warranty bit "or guarantee system that prevents performing a downgrade bootloader. This new guarantee Knox is immovable as noted Chainfire in your Google+ profile, at least in the I9505 model.

To disable Knox several methods. The Samsung support page provides the following explicacón:

Knox enters the application and click "Settings".
Click "Knox Settings".
Click "Uninstall Knox".
Knox uninstalling, you will be asked if you want to back up your data Knox. The data will be saved during the uninstall process in Knox folder on the device. To back up your data Knox, click "Backup Now", otherwise click OK.
Important! Personal data such as photos, music files, contacts and calendar events are copied during uninstallation. However, email and application data will not be copied.
Knox enter the password and click "Continue".
Click "Next". Your data will be saved before the uninstallation is complete.
Click "OK" to uninstall Knox.
Click on the "Menu"> "My files"> "All"> "Knox". There will be a zip file with all your personal content from Knox.
Note: If you have installed an optional microSD card, select "All"> "Device Storage"> "Knox".
If the option provided by Samsung does not convince you, you can also do the following steps, which require root access:

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