+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S3 use, MP3 as ringtone, solution!

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Samsung Galaxy S3 can, of course, like all modern smartphones, except for the I Phone, MP3's use as a ringtone for calls and SMS. To use an MP3 track as a ringtone, you need to perform only the following small guide:

The fastest way is to use an existing MP3 ringtone if you this in the Galaxy S3 player clicks long and in the following menu "Set as .." and then "Ringtone" selects.

Who wants his ringtones have ordered more or want to use MP3's as SMS and MMS ringtone which has to proceed as follows:

Saves MP3s either on your external SD or internal memory in the following path:

Ring tone: / media / audio / ringtones

For SMS notification sounds: / media / audio / notifications

If the folder is not already created, then you can easily do this yourself. created thereby the same folder structure as indicated above.

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