+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Activate iPhone 6 DFU mode - Resolved

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

The "Device Firmware Update mode", short DFU mode, the maintenance mode of the iPhone 6. With this is possible to reset the iPhone 6 and play the system, which can be important especially in case of problems with the software iOS. in this guide we want to describe how to put the iPhone in DFU mode. For this please as follows going on:

Turns your iPhone 6 completely and connects it then via USB cable to the computer
Opens then iTunes on your PC
Now press simultaneously for about 10 seconds the power button and the home button at the same time
The Apple logo appears on the display and then goes away again - hold key combination
If the 10 Sekundne are over, let the Power On / Off Button los, presses the home button but continue for approximately 10 seconds
It should now come the following message on the screen of your computer with iTunes: "iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode 6"
Finished! You can now restore your iPhone with iTunes 6. The instructions described above usually does not work immediately, which is why you need several tries. Try easy sometime works determined ;-)

You know now how to start on the iPhone 6 DFU mode.

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