+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to fix 

Google play store error 963

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Go to Settings-->Apps-->All

Select Play Store

Click Clear Cache

If that doesn't do it click Clear Data

+5 votes
by (3.1k points)

It sometimes happens that Android is some dysfunctions that usually manifest in the form of a window on the screen, indicating the error occurred and its reference. The "x" application could not be downloaded due to an error (923). Have you been confronted with error 923 when downloading an application on your Android smartphone? This is probably due to the limited space in the memory or a defect in the synchronization of your Google account. Begins to erase all data on "Settings" or "Settings", select "Applications" in the "Downloaded" select "Google Play Store", then "Clear Cache" and restart the phone. Check that there is enough memory space on your phone and on your SD card. If this does not resolve the problem, go to "Settings" or "Settings", "Accounts and Sync" and select your "Google" account and removes Synchronized account by pressing "Delete Account" (make sure you have good identifiers to associate again after making a previous synchronization).

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