+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 Camera Error

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

When you open on your Samsung Galaxy S6 Camera app from Android, then it can happen that you get an error on the display .:

Warning! Camera Error!

This error message makes a use of the smartphone camera impossible because then returned immediately to the Home Screen or in the menu. If you also have this problem will also be displayed on the Samsung Galaxy S 6, then to give to solve this error this post tips. Then, the camera should again be used as usual. The tips are as follows:

Solution 1: Samsung Galaxy S6 start simply re

Most of the camera errors can be quickly solved by restarting the Samsung Galaxy S6. The cause is then usually the Android operating system, which has been around for several days without a reboot running.

To reboot, press once for about two seconds to power on / off button and then in the newly opened window on "Restart". Your Samsung Galaxy S6 will be restarted and there should be no more problems with the camera errors and the associated warning on your Samsung Galaxy S6.

Solution 2: Clear data and cache in the Application Manager

You must now reset the Android camera app quasi. This works on the Android Application manager. This can be found as follows. Starts out from your home screen and tap on Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Application Manager -> tab "All".

Addiction now in this list after the following entry: "camera"

Have you found the entry, tap on it and it will open the app information to do so. In this you will find three buttons you have to tap in the following order:

Force stop
Clear cache
Delete data
Note: settings, such as resolution, flash mode, etc., are reset by this action!

Have you touched the three buttons, your smartphone will restart, as we have described it in solution 1. Opens after the restart the camera app from Android to the Samsung Galaxy S6.

Check camera on a technical defect: Solution 3

Should the two solutions above did not work, there may be a hardware defect. To test this, you have to navigate to the Samsung Service menu.

Opens to the Phone app and goes on the "keypad". Give there the following code:

* # 0 * #

In the service menu you must now tap the box "Mega Cam". This is a test for the camera of the Samsung Galaxy S 6 and is driven by an extra software. Thus, be ruled out that the failure by the Android camera software is triggered. If the camera does in this Service test menu, everything is fine and there is a serious problem with the Android camera app before. A factory reset will then be able to remedy this. Also an alternative app like Google camera may solve the problem.

If the test here also do not work and no camera image is displayed, then probably really is the camera module in your Samsung Galaxy S6kaputt. If that's the case, helps only a repair at a service shop to guarantee.

We hope that you have been helped with this article to find the camera error on the Samsung Galaxy S6 and eliminate.

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