+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Huawei P8 In standby no WLAN connection - solution

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

If this setting is enabled, then the Huawei P8 in stand-by, so display of, disable the WiFi connection. Thus, then, of course, be downloaded from the Internet no WhatsApp message or email. That is why we empfehelen you change the setting to "Always" to set. Then, the wireless connection will not be turned off in Stand By and messages will be received as usual. And so the setting on the Huawei can be set P8:

Opens from the homescreen of Huawei P8 from the menu and then the settings of Android. Then taps on:

Wireless -> Advanced -> Wifi in standby

Select here in the list of options, select "Always" from. Finished!

Immediately your Huawei is P8 also get in stand-by the WiFi connection alive and WhatsApp messages and other notifications require the Internet are loaded as usual.

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