+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Huawei P8 disable  Automatic wireless search

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you at the Huawei P8 notice that connects this at regular intervals with the W-Lan, although you have this disabled aware, this is due to the following setting: "Search always allowed"

If this option is enabled, it's the Google location service and other apps allowed to wireless networks to search, even though the Wi-Fi of Huawei's P8 disabled. As a rule, you should allow this only if the wireless connection is active. That is why we now show you how you can disable the Huawei P8 the constant search for wireless networks in the area.

Opens to the Home Screen from the menu and then the Settings. Tapped Out here on "Wi-Fi" and then click "Advanced". In this menu you can now constantly Wireless Search EURES Huawei P8 disable. Set the setting to "search solnage how wireless is enabled".

After this setting you on the Huawei have set P8, this is no longer self-activate the WiFi of your smartphone, even though you have disabled it.

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