+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Disable Samsung App Market Automatic Updates

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

For any smartphone, such as the Samsung Galaxy S5, on which the Samsung App Market installed, you have factory set the setting that Apps are automatically updated when you connect to the wireless network. However, you may want to decide which apps you want to update and which are not. If that's the case, we would like to show you in this guide on how to disable the automatic app updates the Samsung App Markets.

Just open the application "Samsung Apps" on your smartphone, and then tap the top right of the symbol with the three points. This will display within the store a small menu, where you must now tap "Settings". DC in the first place you can now find an entry with "apps automatically update". Tap on this and you can put on "disable" the mark in a new window.

If you have performed this step, apps are no longer automatically updated on the Samsung App Store if you are using your smartphone in a Wi-Fi network.

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