+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 can not be charged - solution

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Samsung Galaxy S6 needs recharging usually every two days. To do this connect the smartphone to the AC charger into the micro USB connector. Now it can happen, however, that the Samsung Galaxy S6 impossible to download it, even though the smartphone is connected to the charger and the wall socket. This is of course very annoying, because you may no longer use the phone. So you have to consider what is the cause. We have you here various tips listed, which you can try, if the Samsung Galaxy S6 not to be recharged via the charging cable:

1. Check the Micro USB charging socket on the Samsung Galaxy S6 on pollution

If your smartphone constantly in your pocket carry with you, it may very well be that the micro USB charging port of the Samsung Galaxy S6 is dirty and the plug of the charging cable can not make contact. Checks to see if this applies to your Samsung Galaxy S6. If so, remove the dust carefully with a toothpick from the Micro USB connection. Compressed air may also help here.

2. Check the charger and USB cable

Checks on top with another USB cable and charger, whether the Samsung Galaxy S6 can invite. Sometimes it may be that the battery charger or the USB cable used have a defect and the Samsung Galaxy S6 therefore can not be loaded.

 3. Contact the Micro USB port

It may happen that the mating contact in the Micro USB port on the Samsung Galaxy S6 is bent and therefore a contact for charging does not come to pass. This can happen if you infect the charger cable in the wrong direction and so the contact bends. Here helps either a professional or if your Reparatzrwerkstatt it trusts you one "bending back" of the contact. Here you have but be very careful, because the connections are very sensitive!

4. If nothing works, the loading remains via wireless charger

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