+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Create a Windows 10 Screenshot

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

In an operating system like Windows 10, it is often very important to create a screenshot of the screen. A screenshot stores in an image file to the screen currently displayed. Why is the screenshot also screen printing, screenshot or hardcopy. By the screenshot in Windows 10, you can quickly back up information, send e-mail or archive.

We explain to you now how 10 very quickly and easily create a screenshot of the display in Windows.

1. hotkey

The fastest of the screenshot in Windows 10 can be created with the key combination. Pressing this simultaneously on your keyboard:

Windows key
Print button
The screenshot will be created from the entire screen and saved under the following directory path: C: \\ Users \ Your Name \ pictures \ screenshots

The image has the file format can be processed, for example, with which .png Paint.

2. Snipping Tool

If you wish to use no additional program such as Paint or Adobe Photoshop, then use the best tool for Windows 10 screenshots. This is "Snipping Tool" and can be found as follows:

Windows Start -> All Apps -> Windows Accessories -> Snipping Tool

With this tool, you can now easily select an area on the screen you want to save it as a screenshot. The Snipping Tool provides you following several ways how you wish to proceed with the screenshot. By e-mail Send to save up anything is possible.

Of course, in Windows 10, the Screenshot are also classic loaded by a pressing the "Print Screen key" into the latch. From there, he can then in Paint, Photoshop etc. inserted.

You know now how to take a screenshot from the 10 screen in Windows.

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