+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Create iPhone 6S Screenshot hotkey

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

The iPhone 6S with iOS operating system can of course record from the displayed screen content a screenshot. A screenshot is a photo of what the contents of the display shown at the time of activation maps. Why is the screen shot also a screenshot or screen printing.

For all who deal with the new iPhone 6S and still possessed no iPhone or iPad before it have, which we would like to explain how you can trigger a screenshot on your smartphone today.

For this purpose, please go on your iPhone before 6S as follows:

1. Expresses the top right of the power button

2. Shortly thereafter, on the Home Button

It now sounds a kind of click sound, indicating to you that the screenshot has been successful on the iPhone 6S. This screenshot you can now by opening the "Photo App" let you show.

With the screenshot you can easily store information on the iPhone 6S, secure interesting facts or games documenting highscores.

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