+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
iPhone 6S find out IMEI serial number

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Each phone is provided with a serial number that allows an unambiguous assignment of the smartphone. In the world of smartphones, the serial number is the so-called IMEI.
 By means of the IMEI can be uniquely identified your iPhone 6S anytime. Therefore, it is important that you write down the IMEI number of your iPhone 6S or know at least where it is found. If you do not know how the IMEI of your iPhone is 6S, then we would like to show you here how you can find out very easily. For this, please open the iPhone 6S following menu:

Settings -> General -> About This submenu of the iPhone 6S you will find the entry "IMEI". The 16-digit number is your IMEI serial number. Alternatively, there are also printed on the SIM tray from your iPhone's IMEI number 6S. To do this, use the tool to remove the card tray from the SIM card slot. On the card slot Now you can find your IMEI serial number printed in small letters. You now know how to find the IMEI serial number from your iPhone 6S.

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