+4 votes
How to find out who you delete from Facebook [for PC]

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Your Facebook friends list grows every day and sometimes do not even notice that you've added people who do not feel for years or maybe not even remember who our contacts.

It's not news that we would like to keep track of the people who also eliminated from the list for friends and esserenotificati time and avoid find out after months.
To find out who deleted you from Facebook, we often have in the past resorted to the scripts that were integrated seamlessly with the web version of Facebook. These methods are no longer working.
Today I propose a new method to track the list of people we remove from friends! The new method is based on an extension of Chrome and is completely free!


Notify for download Unfriend Facebook which is the extension that is right for us.

Add it to your Chrome browser. Ignore the welcome screen by closing the page. The extension does not really make any configuration option and simply keeps track of who we delete from our facebook profile.
Go to your profile, then on friends list and you will see a new option:


NOTE 1: The extension must be updated and maintained over time, to track changes in Facebook; hopefully it will be a more lasting than previously reported on the blog.

NOTE 2: The extension is obviously retroactive! Keep track of the list of friends who have removed from facebook from the moment you install it.

(To download wait 5 seconds set by adf.ly then click NEXT. If you have installed on your mobile programs like Adblock, AdFree etc., are switched on otherwise the page adf.ly there will be displayed)

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