+4 votes
by (3.1k points)

Did you know ? Facebook keeps your entire search history on the social network. This optimizes future searches, and only you have access to it (well almost).

Very practical at first sight. Unless you gave your password to your spouse (e).

Normally, one day we all did a search to find old friends, co-workers, but why not the girl or the young man crossed (e) at a party. As against what is dangerous is when one performs a search, Facebook automatically saves any requests. In this case, anyone connecting to our profile can have access to our history.



So if you are fed as Facebook remembers everything you made ​​and want to remain discreet, here is an easy way to clear the history of your Facebook search.

Delete on Facebook Search your history 

1) First go to your Facebook profile.

2) Open your personal history.



3) On the left column, under the Legal J'Aime Comments and click on "More" then "searches".


This takes you to the search history. A list of (almost) infinite of your searches since you have created an account. To erase it, nothing simpler: click "Clear search".

You are now protected against curious. Finally, at least on Facebook. : D

A simple trick and practice that could be very useful at the time Facebook updates its search bar that will now be "smart" by offering tailored results.

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by (3.1k points)

How to delete your search history on Facebook?

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