+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to repair the Home button on your iPhone

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Calibrate the Home button
Realign the start button
Clean the Home button
Setting the Home button on the Home screen

The Home button on the iPhone is imprescidible to perform many routine actions such as leave applications open multitasking or using Siri. That is why if it fails, we will see how we can use our iPhone with ease and comfort.

There are different reasons why the Home button can not work, so we review several methods that could repair the Home button on your iPhone.

Calibrate the Home button

If our problem is that the Home button responds late to our beats, the solution may recalibrate the Home button.

First, we open the Clock application. Hold down the sleep button until the message appears to turn off the iPhone. Immediately release the sleep button and keep holding the Home button for 5-10 seconds. The application quits, and if we are lucky and the Home button malfunction due to a software failure, the problem will be solved.

Otherwise, proceed to the following method.

Realign the start button

If you reached this step, a possible solution is to realign the Home button using the 30-pin connector.

To do this, connect the charger to your iPhone, and will push the connector into the back of the Home button slightly. Press the Home button and check if that fixes the bug.

Clean the Home button

If the previous two steps do not work, it is likely that dirt is making our Home button does not work properly. To do this, need isopropyl alcohol of at least 95%. We should not use other types of alcohol, which contains water and could damage your iPhone.

With the iPhone off, take a cotton swab and apply a few drops of alcohol. We spent the cotton on the Home button, being careful not to touch the screen. Successively pressed the Home button to alcohol completely filtered. We clean the surface of the iPhone and waited 10 to 15 minutes to see if it worked

Setting the Home button on the Home screen


If the above methods did not work, the only solution (without going through the service) we have left is to place a virtual Home button on the home screen.

Open the Settings menu on your iPhone and go to the section General. Within this menu, select the Accessibility option and activate the AssistiveTouch option. At that time, we see that a point is displayed, which can be placed anywhere on the side of the screen.

Once set, clicking on a menu where we are permitted to make different choices, such as opening Siri, use the Start button, raise and lower the volume or lock the screen will open.

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