+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Sony Xperia M5 Sim card size

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Sony Xperia M5 requires a nano-SIM card

This uses the Sony Xperia M5 a Sim card type which is more and more popular because it currently has the smallest format of all variants.

Option 1: Sim card punch

With a Sim card punch you can punch out a Nano-SIM card from a standard or micro-SIM card. These templates are included, which then corresponds to the format of the nano-Sim.

Such Sim Card Punching there are, for example, on Amazon

Request Nano Sim Card at Mobile operators: Option 2

Of course your mobile operator sends you to a nano sim card. This comes at a cost of € 10-25 (depending on your network provider).

You know now that the new Sony Xperia smartphone requires M5 Sim card format.

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