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by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 EdgePlus off CB News - Solution

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

On the Samsung Galaxy S6 EdgePlus you can get now and then CB messages from your wireless service provider. These messages are usually local information or advertising messages. If you interfere with this CB messages because your provider you showered with it, then you can turn this very easily as follows on the Samsung Galaxy S6 EdgePlus:

To do this, open the home screen from the following Android submenu:

1. Menu -> Settings

2. Applications -> News -> Advanced settings

3. In this Android submenu you can now select the menu item, see "Cell Broadcasts"

4. tap on the entry and you can then turn the slider to adjust the upper right corner in the next submenu that option.

No more messages on the Samsung Galaxy S6 EdgePlus via cell broadcast are then sent to you by your wireless service provider. You have thus successfully deactivated CB messages on your smartphone Android.

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