+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S5 suddenly switches off - solution!

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

It is possible that your Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone suddenly shut off automatically and not be started again. This phenomenon occurs whenever there is a problem with the battery. This can not give more, in which case it is a sudden shutdown of the Samsung Galaxy S5 battery power required by the smartphone. In general, you can check quickly whether the Samsung Galaxy S5 battery has a defect.

Because of the Samsung Galaxy S5 battery is overused, often charging or is already a bit older (2 years), then puffs up this somewhat. Such a bloated battery can be easily seen with the following trick:

Turns to your Samsung Galaxy S5 and removed the battery cover. Now take out the battery and place it on a flat surface such as a table.

There are two possibilities:

1. the Samsung Galaxy S5 battery is flat on the table


If the battery is just like the picture on the table, this is fine and either know only signs of aging on or the fault lies on the Android firmware software.

2. Samsung Galaxy S5 The battery can be "rocked" on the table


If the battery is not flat as in this picture on the table, this is bloated and should be immediately replaced with a new battery. Due to an existing risk of explosion, this battery should not be loaded.

We hope you enjoy this tip helped to see if the battery of your Samsung Galaxy S5 has a defect, which then leads to a sudden turn.

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