+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to fix Connection Lost error on Facebook for Android.

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

The first and quickest thing to try is to logout of the facebook application. Click the menu button and choose logout. It will take a minute or so to remove the cahced data from your phone. Once it is finished, just login to the app again, and see if the error issue has been solved.

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

There are three ways to fix the connection problem:
1.- Update to the latest software: Go to “Google Play” (formerly known as “Android Market”) and select MY APPS > UPDATE
This solution doesn’t work for me but I’ve read it solved for some users.
2.- Change your password by going to you Android Settings -> Manage Applications -> Facebook -> Clear Data
With this it will solve most problems. I honestly don’t understand why this change works but It works charmly for most phones
3.- Fully Uninstall and Re-Install Facebook Application from google play. This fixed the connection lost problem for me. Just go to Play Store (on your Android device) or Appstore (on Iphone) and go to Installed Applications and select Facebook Uninstall. Then go search again for facebook and re-install. You will be prompted for you password and then it will SYNC and will work again

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