+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Android Marshmallow activate  system UI Tuner

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

In Android Marshmallow you can customize using the system UI tuner status bar individually. However, this is not right at the beginning visible in Android marshmallow, but first must be activated before you can use this. We would like to like to explain in this article how you can activate on a smartphone with Android Marshmallow the UI System Tuner. This works very simply as follows:

1. Attracts First, the status bar from the top to the middle of the display.

2. Now taps his finger on the gear icon on the top right and left with your finger for about 5 seconds on

 3. Then you will receive notification messages appears in you will be informed that the system UI tuner has been successfully activated in Android marshmallow.

4. The system UI tuner can now under Menu -> Settings to find you have just successfully completed the System Tuner UI enabled on your smartphone with Android marshmallow and can now start the status bar individually.

Thanks, now it works. :)

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