+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Let Android Marshmallow battery indicator in percent show

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you display the battery charge state want to display a percentage in the status bar under Android marshmallow, then you have to choose a few settings and enable options. Because these battery indicator was somewhat hidden integrated. Below we tell you briefly how to leave on a smartphone with Android Marshmallow the battery indicator display in percent:

1. Unlocks the first thing in the so-called Android UI System Tuner. For instructions how to do this can be found here

2. Now open the menu under Android marshmallow and then Settings

 3. You can find here now a menu icon with "System Tuner UI". Tap on this to get to the next submenu.

 4. Now you can find to display the battery charge level as a percentage on the notification bar option here. Enable this option by means of the controller. Super you have just the battery indicator as a percentage in the status bar enabled on your smartphone with Android marshmallow. Thus, you can now watching exactly how the battery level changes and when will you have to back to the charger.

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