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by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 accelerate fingerprint - Tip

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Samsung Galaxy S6 has a fingerprint scanner integrated, by the placement of the finger structure which recognizes and unlocks the phone if they match. For this purpose, you can advance register several fingerprints, which then results in that the scanner finds your finger quite quickly. With this setting, law quickly means about 1 second. That may be too slow for one or two of you and that's why there's a little trick on how to speed up the finger scanners of the Samsung Galaxy S6. This we would like to explain to you here: given as background information. Your Samsung Galaxy S6 stores when you create a fingerprint several versions of the structure of the fingertip. That's why you have to these repeatedly hang up so that it is then also recognized optimally. Now the trick is: It stores a plurality of fingers in a fingerprint. It works like this:
1. Delete all fingerprints and then creates a new fingerprint with the following criteria on your smartphone:
 2. Begin with the thumb. Put this so fot on the scanner until it reads 40%.
3. Take now a fingertip, for example, the index finger scans and 10% of them
4. Take now the other thumb and scan it again 40%
5. Now take another finger, for example, index finger of the other hand and completed so that the last 10% you have now four different fingers in a fingerprint pattern of the Samsung Galaxy S6 stored. Thus, the fingerprint reader no longer needs to look through multiple records, but only one at the placement of the finger. This leads to a much more rapid unblocking of the Samsung Galaxy S6, when the finger is placed correctly. These tips might help you:

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