There are many SmartPhones customers who do not know how important it is to keep your phone fully updated. All versions contain errors and programmers are updated versions to make improvements and improve the speed and security. In conclusion, the SmartPhone work better in all its functions, which enable to take full advantage of the device.
In most computers, you can do an upgrade from the same phone, without having to connect to pc.
In most Smartphones, if the computer no longer automatically notifies you when an update, entering the aparatado of "adjustments" and "software update" will see if your phone needs an update or everything is perfect.
Some recommendations will help you lot are:
For downloading the update is performed quickly, it is necessary that you connect to Wi-Fi at home or a public network, you save on Megs and time.
You need to make a backup of all data stored on your Smartphone before you do the upgrade. All data is stored on the phone so they can be damaged.
In case your Smartphone run out of battery while upgrading errors may occur, so it is necessary that before starting to upgrade, will certify that it has enough battery or connect the charger while in the mobile software transcurso.actualizar
You know, keep in mind these tips and updates your Smartphone to not run slow or buggy, but first of all, keep all important information.