+5 votes
by (3.1k points)

Did you know that when you connect a USB stick on Windows, it leaves traces?Date and time of connection, ID, USB device type are visible in plain malicious people to ...

USB History Viewer allows you to easily access the history of your session regarding the USB connections.

The USB software History Viewer allows, in fact, to retrieve this information without delving into the registry, but one can imagine even more intrusive software to know which files you have transferred their name, type, etc.




To avoid problems, I invite you to download USB Oblivion. It is a small portable freeware that allows just by clicking the "clean" button to get rid of this history. This small program requires no installation and can easily be placed on a USB key to erase the history of USB connections on a PC.

This software simply finds the report file compiled by the Windows operating system to delete it and thus make your blank computer all USB connections.

To use, just click on Clean to clean the registry traces left. Remember to unplug all USB devices before making this operation and check the box Do real clean. Otherwise, there will be a simulation. To avoid problems, make a backup of the registry by clicking Save backup .reg-file.

USBOblivion interface

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (3.1k points)

USB drive too talkative? Erase the traces left by your USB drive

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