+4 votes
by (3.1k points)
iTunes - Unknown error 1015

1 Answer

+4 votes

  • Restoring several times with the same firmware in DFU mode.
  • iPhone is not recognized in DFU mode (Dowgrade impossible if you are not in DFU):
  • Manually put your iPhone in DFU: - Hold the Home button + Power simultaneously to re-boot your iPhone (10sec). Only then release the Power button until the message "iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode" (25sec).
  • Naturally, with the error 1015, you are still stuck on the Apple logo with. Reboot the rest inpossible.Then use a tool to pull out your iPhone from the "Loop" Restore.
  • Launch QuickPwn to unlock. Otherwise test with iPhuc, Independence, iRecovery, iBricker ..
  • This error is displayed when attempting to upgrade to an earlier version of the software of the iPhone or iPod touch. This can happen when you try to perform a restore using an older .ipsw file to. The upgrade to an earlier version is not supported. To solve this problem, try to perform a restore using the latest version of the iPhone software or iPod touch available from Apple.

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