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by (40.6k points)

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by (40.6k points)

Insufficient RAM
Insufficient memory storage

Sadly Android is not perfect, and sometimes it happens that memory is insufficient. Our RAM and storage may not be enough to everything that we asked our smartphone. In the following lines we explain how to fix this problem so that your terminal returns to the fluidity it deserves and continue to enjoy the quality that Android offers.


Insufficient RAM

Many smartphones with some old or low-end shoes a RAM of 1 GB or less, 512MB. That is why if you use a heavy application or many different applications simultaneously in multitasking, the phone does not give more of themselves and may crash or run a very slowly with despair that entails.

The best thing you could do is keep an eye on the amount of RAM that your applications consume and use not closing steadily. There are many good apps in Google Play Store to download and view detailed spending RAM. However, in the picture above you can see how Android provides that statistic. If you want a "pretty good" application to do that job, I recomiento Advance Task Manager. With it you should just click and close all unnecessary to free RAM.

Insufficient memory storage

It does not take Einstein to know the reason for the lack of space in the internal memory. First, many terminals have a memory of laughter, ie dwarf. Games, music, videos or anything you fancy store in the terminal that minimum space that your smartphone has eaten. It is important to remember that although announce that the terminal has 16, 32 or 64 GB, the reality is far, because you have to subtract the space required operating system and other, which actually offers on far less.

The basic thing is to remove things when memory full notice arrives. We can start by temporary files and cache. The second step would be to move your music and photos to the cloud, or use a musical streming service. The third step is to move everything to microSD memory of your phone (if you have it), the less you have the better internal memory. In Settings -> Applications, you can easily choose which apps you want to move to SD.Take care not to move applications of the system!

You can also do with an external application Link2SD, which helps you to move apps to the SD card you want, provided you have the space. If you have superuser access, freedom is even greater to move different things and varied options. You can also delete unnecessary preinstalled applications on your terminal. Interesting is to make default applications are installed on the SD.

Because partitions internal memory, even if space is available, it is reserved for files and applications that the system needs to function. This is one of the main reasons that space is low, yes, but it will be impossible to use. It is better not to play with that space, as it can cause errors and that the terminal stop working as should.

You may have installed games that occupy gigabytes of memory that you simply used once, so you'd better delete it. We must also look at that there may be applications in the background that really does give them use, which makes a lot of sense cleared from memory. Besides, we also save RAM and CPU spending will be lower, winning overall fluency in the terminal.

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