+4 votes
enable Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge compass in side bar

1 Answer

+5 votes

The Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge has a display with the sides rounded edges. Thus one can imagine the side bar and the side panel insert, on which various information can be retrieved quickly. In this sidebar you can also activate the compass function. We show you how it works on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge:

Does the sidebar from the right edge of the display in the center, so that you, the side panel is displayed completely on the screen. Below left you will find a small gear icon, that can help you make the settings for the sidebar. Typing this on now.

You now get an overview of the installed features of the side panels. Scroll to the right until your ready to the panel with the compass, can see. Enables this now by your top sets the hook. Done!

Now leave the settings on the sidebar and then pulling the side panel as usual in the middle of the display. Now, if you scroll through the individual panels, then you will here the panel "Quick Tools" see. This includes the following tools:


You now know how to enable the Quick Tools, including the compass in the sidebar of the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.

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