+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Hello Very good afternoon to everyone s.
Someone can teach me tricks Clash Royale am beginner and most easily defeat me could help someone so kind?.
Thank you for your collaboration.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Hello Joust.

  1. The most important game is the deck. We must have a balanced deck with cards that allow you to attack and defend. You must adapt to the letters usually have your opponents. For example. If you attack a prince or a giant, defend yourself with an army of skeletons.
  2. Cards that are air carries. I have four that can attack / defend both by land and there and 4 others that are only terrestrial.
  3. If you see that you lose many drinks, wait a while and fail to open chests and can unlock new cards and improve you have.
  4. When open chests, try to do it in the most productive way. For example. Throughout the day, unlock chests of silver and when I go to sleep release of gold. As a free space is left, I take the opportunity to attack, drinks and getting up to the chest crowns crowns.
  5. If not essential, avoid attacking when you have all the spaces filled coffers, as each x time you touch a supermágico chest and if you have space, you lose.
  • Barrel elves, for when he has little time to the tower, throw it and pixie do the rest. I use it after the opponent has attacked and has virtually no elixir or when I'm attacking, since the tower will not have time to kill goblins without receiving some damage by the other troops.
  • Trolls with spear, which is usually very useful as "combo" when you are attacking and serve both land and air troops.
  • Baby dragon, very useful because unlike the giant that can kill pretty fast with an army of skeletons, the baby dragon is on air, do enough damage and splash and serves to confuse and entertain while a mini-Pekka or mosquetera quite damaged the tower.
  • Mini pekka, useful both in defense and attack, able to do much damage, which is well used is able to load a tower by himself with sufficient distraction.
  • Skeleton army, I use it when I attack with Prince, mini Pekka / Pekka and giant since Distre kills and quickly. Care if behind a Valkyrie, baby dragon or if the opponent has arrows as it kills quickly.
  • Musketeer, which is well used with a giant dragon or drink (for example) does enough damage, not to mention its usefulness to attack / defend land and air.
  • minions
  • Barbarians, capable of charging a mini-Pekka in seconds.
That is all. Greetings.

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