+3 votes
Samsung Galaxy S7 record slow motion videos

1 Answer

+4 votes

The Samsung Galaxy S7 has integrated a powerful camera with which you can record slow motion videos. Slow Motion video, even under slow motion known to take a scene on with increased number of images per second. This may be generated when playing the slow motion effect. If you still do not know how they can communicate with the Samsung Galaxy S7 Slow Motion videos, then we would like it here like to explain:

  1. Open first on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Camera App
  2.  Now tap the bottom left of the "Mode" and then select the mode "Slow Motion" on.
  3.   Now start the video recording on the "Record" button
  4.  Open gallery subsequently the slow-motion video
  5.    You can watch in slow motion this now.
  6. About the bar at the bottom, you can increase or decrease the slow motion effect

Now you know how easy it is to record on the Samsung Galaxy S7 a slow motion video, and this can then edit.

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