+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to use the fingerprint reader Samsung Galaxy S5

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to enter the fingerprint in the Galaxy S5? Let's start with some basic precautions. When recording the fingerprint, Samsung recommends that the thumb, index, or the heart is used. Anyway, you can store up to three fingerprints on the same phone. Before the finger should you wish to use is clean and dry. It is also best to choose a finger that has no scars. If the device has on a screen protector is best previously withdrawn, so that the fingerprint scanner to work properly. To access the function fingerprint scanner must go to the Applications screen from the menu. Then you need to click on Settings and select fingerprint scanner.

samsung galaxy s5 footprint


To register a fingerprint, tap to view Adminis fingerprint. The following is an animation that illustrates how and where to swipe chosen to capture the fingerprint. The finger should be straight and placed parallel with the phone; we slide on medium speed, neither too fast nor too slow; the smartphone alerts when we do it incorrectly. You must enter the footprint eight times. Then you need to add an alternate password to the fingerprint, using the option to enter a password as an alternative to fingerprints. You have to enter it twice, and it is important to remember because it is the one that will operate if the sensor does not recognize the fingerprint. Then you need to enter the Select screen lock option and choose fingerprint, so the footprint is recorded as unlocking method.

The system can also remove a fingerprint registered in the smartphone. To do this, you must enter the function fingerprint scanner and select Adminis fingerprint. Then you need to enter fingerprint or alternative password. The administrator bears all the marks you have registered (maximum of three). Then, go into Settings and select Unsubscribe. It's time to play on the track that we want to remove. The selected track is laid to remove blue and the top indicates Selected. Simply click on the trash icon in the upper right corner. A popup window warns that the trace is deleted. Finally, just press OK to confirm the deletion.

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