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by (40.6k points)
Restore Samsung Galaxy S3 Deleted images. Solved!

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

It may happen that you have deleted pictures on my Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone and this would then still needed. It is about the question of whether you can recover deleted pictures S3 on the Samsung Galaxy.
We now want to tell you what options there are to restore images that have been accidentally deleted on the Samsung Galaxy S3. These need to know in order to assess the following information, what is the chance that your pictures can restore your.
1. Images were stored on the micro SD card of the Samsung Galaxy S3
If the images were stored on the inserted micro SD memory card, then the probability is very high that you can restore it using recovery software. It is important that after deleting any further write operations were druchgeführt on the micro SD card. This means:
- There were no pictures recorded
- No Apps have been moved
- There was no music copied to the SD card
If this is the case, you will have a relatively high percentage of images restore können.Chance for the restoration of images at approximately 60%
How to save the images that we explain in item # 2:
2. Images were stored on the internal memory of the Samsung Galaxy S3.
If the images are to be restored were the abgegelgt on the internal memory of the Samsung Galaxy S3, then restore the images will not work very well. Because on the internal memory, which is a S. G. Flash memory is, many write operations are performed in the background. This is due to the Android platform and the associated system apps.
The chance of the images that were saved in the internal memory of the Samsung Galaxy S3 still be saved, is 20-30%
To recover deleted pictures on the Samsung Galaxy S3 restore:
Download from the following page PC Inspector Smart Recovery down. It is a freeware so can be used free of charge. After installing the program connects if the images were on the internal memory, the Samsung Galaxy S3 to the PC, if you've saved on the external SD card, take this out of the machine and connects via a USB Card Reader to the PC.
Now open the PC Inspector Smart Recovery PC and selects either your Samsung Galaxy S3 to be read out as a unit or card using the card reader connected micro sd. Now Starts the search for deleted image files that can be recovered. We wish you good luck that the PC Inspector can recover deleted pictures as many as possible from the Samsung Galaxy S3 or the micro SD card.

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