+4 votes
Start Samsung Galaxy S6 in safe mode

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you have an app installed on the Samsung Galaxy S 6 from the Google Play Store, it can then lead to problems. These problems can affect a variety of ways such as by the Android system crashes or reboots your smartphone. That's why you can now start your Samsung Galaxy S6 in the so-called Safe Mode to check whether the cause of the error is due to a third-party app.

When you boot the Samsung Galaxy S6 in safe mode only the important system files from Android to load. Third-party applications that you yourself have downloaded will not be started. Since only the system applications are loaded, so you can check whether the error is caused by an installed app.

And now we show you how you can boot on Samsung Galaxy S6 in Safe Mode.

Switches to the first thing your Samsung Galaxy S6 completely. Now Turns your Samsung Galaxy S 6 again, but keep doing the Volume button Volume down button. Keep the button pressed until you enter the pin is displayed. You already look now at the bottom left, select "Safe Mode". That's it! You now have your Samsung Galaxy S6 booted into safe mode.

You now know how to start the secure mode on the Samsung Galaxy S 6.

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