+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
What is HDR on iPhone Camera?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

HDR is an acronym for High Dynamic Range, is a software feature that is included with the camera of your phone providing a convenient and easy way to improve the lighting or exposure of our pictures. 
What makes the HDR is to make three separate automatically when we make a photo with creating the best stage lighting for photography you want to do shots. All this is done automatically by the app to photograph, even adding where to focus the image, so that the software can make a mistake and have to tell you where you need to focus. 
HDR is perfect for oblong or landscape photographs and images must be off motion or action, as three different photographs to make the objects can be found in different positions and result in a small disaster photography. 
To activate the HDR function in our system, we have to select the options button (More) in the top of the app and activate HDR is also recommended to enable the grid if we apply the rule of thirds.

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