+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Create Samsung Galaxy S6 folder on the home screen

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Sometimes it is helpful when multiple apps are available on the home screen. This is usually but due to the limited number of apps per homescreen page is not readily possible. Therefore, the function "Create Folder" on the home screen is very comfortable. Thus, several applications can be accommodated in a folder on the home screen.
As can be posted on Samsung Galaxy S6 create a folder on the home screen, we want you here now briefly explain clearly:

To create the folder you have to drag an app to another app. The best apps that you want like to tuck into a folder. Once the two apps on one another, a folder frame appears. You can now release the app and it will open a box where you can enter a name for the folder you just created.

Did you assign the name, you can select the folder (with the two apps in it) now on the Samsung Galaxy S6 see.

You now know how to on the Samsung Galaxy S6 create a folder on the home screen.

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