+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to install all our applications massively in Google Play

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to reinstall your applications massivelyMore Apps Install Screens

You can always learn new things, this is a maxim that we sometimes forget when we used to use our devices daily. Ourselves, sometimes we surprise us with details that we had escaped, even after trace the Android operating system for some years.
In fact, today we bring you a little trick of Google Play will surely be new to many users and that by simple majority blush will not have noticed before.
This is an enhancement that Google introduced in version 4.6.16 Play Store, and that makes it very simple mass reinstall all your applications listed in the "My Apps" section.
You already know that the Mountain View giant now saves for us a list of all the applications we buy and / or installed from Google Play for retrieval in case of restoring the terminal to factory defaults or change devices.

However, reinstalling the application involves a major hassle if done individually, which I myself have done on several occasions after changing ROM or device, until I discovered this functionality.

How to reinstall your applications massively
More Apps Install Screens

Entering the menu "My Applications" on Google Play and access the tab "All" multiple selection will be as simple as holding down any application not installed.
Once this is done, the application will highlight and semi-hidden already installed, allowing pressing any other application in the list is selected or deselected to install them in bulk.
Obviously, once clicked the "Install" button in the upper right corner we have to accept the permissions for each application, which will appear one after another in a popup window.
Definitely a little trick to make life easier for those who like to try ROMs or change devices like jackets, and will surely bring a smile to skillfully they had already discovered and never had to recover their applications by hand one by one

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