+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Windows 10 - Should I upgrade now?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Windows 10 is the latest version of the Microsoft operating system and there is also the possibility of an Windows 7 or 8 Windos perform an upgrade to Windows 10. Now perhaps you will ask yourself:

Does it make sense now to update to Windows 10?

This question is especially interesting because Microsoft Windows 10 free offers the update for now, if you have Windows 7 or Windows 8. We now want to give you an estimate on this question briefly here:

Windows 10 is currently still in testing phase. While it is already fairly stable, but repeatedly occur errors and problems. For example, it may happen that the Start menu is gone. Such errors can be very annoying if you need Windows to work. Background of the free trial, until the appearance of the final retail version is that users refer to our website errors and will forward it to microsoft. Just as all gross error in Windows 10 can be eliminated within the next few months to publication.

Therefore, our recommendation:

Not upgraded to Windows 10, if you need your computer for work or surfing urgently. Just wait until Microsoft provides a finished version is available where all errors as far as known, are fixed.

Should you still want to test Windows 10, we recommend you to install the operating system to another hard disk. So you can between the disks, thereby also switch between operating systems. However, this requires a necessary know-how of the matter.

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