+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S3 move app to SD card

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Samsung Galaxy S3 has the new firmware update to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean maintain the function of apps from internal memory to the inserted SD memory card to move. This so-called App2SD function was previously only possible by means of an additional app from the Google Play Store. Now, the function is finally available on Android for the Samsung Galaxy S3. We want to show you in this guide, where to find the feature on the Samsung Galaxy S3 to move apps to the SD card and so to gain space on the internal memory.

For this purpose, please open the menu from the home screen and continue to the settings of Android. Now here you have to on the tab "Options / General" and tap in the list on the Emnüpunkt "Application Manager". Once the Manager is open, you find yourself on the tab "Installed Apps". Addiction now. After the app, which want to move your from the internal memory of your Samsung Galaxy S3 to the SD card

Typing the app to press to open the app information to the Application Manager. The app-info see your various properties of the app and functions or options that you can run your. In the section memory You now see a button with "Move to SD card". This is the newly implemented App2SD function which makes it possible to move this app to the SD memory card. Tap on the button and the process of moving is started on your Samsung Galaxy S3.

Moving the app to the SD card was successful if the text "application moved to SD Card" will be displayed and changed the button in "Move to Device Memory".

You must now perform this procedure for each app that you like to want to have shifted from the internal memory of your Samsung Galaxy S3 to the SD card. You have now learned how to make a APp shifts on the Samsung Galaxy S3 to the SD card and thus provides valuable space on the internal memory.

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