+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Android Update 5 Lollipop Samsung Galaxy Alpha SM G850F

I really want to know when the update will be available for my smartphone?
A lot of time and promises under the bridge since the release of this product. Why older smartphones, for example such as SG S4, SG Note 3 already got a lollipop, and I'm not ... I would like to hear your opinion on this issue.
Thank you.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Well, maybe because now update "flagships", though "old" and "Alpha" has never positioned itself as a "flagship". It was probably the first experiment ... "pen test", if you will, at the expense of the metal housing, etc. And by the way, the "A" series (A-3) was the first in Russia to receive the upgrade to 5.0.2.
This is my personal mnenie..A about "the release date of the update" or who does not know anything and can not know.

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