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by (40.6k points)
Android  Lock screen. What if you forget your password?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Set a password for the lock screen

Lock screen in different Android smartphones arranged differently. And the number of available settings can also vary greatly. Somewhere manufacturers allow users to select the shortcut icons, which add something special widget, and in rare cases, you can even change the theme. But there is one option that is always present - is to set a password to unlock the smartphone.

The screenshots below will show how to set a password to unlock the smartphone HTC One. In other models, the name of the menu items may differ slightly, but the general meaning remains the same.


The first step is to go to settings. It should go to the section "Safety", and in it select "Lock Screen". Any Android smartphone supports at least two types of password - a digital PIN and unlock pattern. In the first case, to release the need to enter the number, and the second - to draw on the screen of a broken line. In addition, modern smartphones can usually identify the owner of the face using the front camera, but this method is less reliable lock. Therefore, to avoid confusion, it will be asked to add a numeric password. If your smartphone for whatever reason, do not know you in person, you can always unlock it by using an alternative password.

What if you forget your password?

Fixed phone password can be useful in many situations. He will save us from accidental unlocking the phone in a bag or pocket, protect from excessive curiosity, friends or colleagues, but at the same time save your personal data in the theft of the device. And all this, of course, wonderful. That's just what to do, if you do forget your password?

In fact, nothing wrong in this case will not happen. Once you have entered five consecutive incorrect password, the smartphone will ask you to wait 30 seconds before trying again. Then it offers a choice of two options - either try to enter your password again, or reset it.


Click on "Forgot pattern?" Or "Forgotten password". The system prompts you to enter Google account that is connected to the device. That is, the data that you entered during the initial setup of the phone.

First_launch_min Android for the "Dummies". Pilot issue. Register Google-account
In the first line, enter the username (usually mailbox on gmail.com, but may be another post), in the second line, type the password. Please note that there is need to enter the password of an account on Google, as no PIN to unlock the smartphone.

If you forget the password for your Google Account, or you can not remember what email is to login, then try to use the password recovery page on the official website of the company.

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