+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
What would the iPhone 7 if you could design it? What would you change?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

What aspects of the iPhone in July you would change if you were one of the designers?

IPhone 7 aims to become a revolutionary device in design in the iPhone family. Whether you are not completely satisfied with the current design of the iPhone 6, or simply as an exercise in imagination, we invite readers to tell us what design aspects of iPhone would change for the launch of the iPhone 7. We invite us you tell what would be your contributions and step mark the main features that we believe should be included in the design of the new mobile phone from Apple.

Improved battery

One aspect that affects the performance of numerous mobile phones, and the iPhone in particular, is autonomy. The first users are looking for a phone with better battery life and think ahead of the new iPhone in July the first thing is to seek to improve this section. With the iPhone 6 and there was an increase in the size of the battery and its autonomy is excellent, but still continues to demand more autonomy for future releases.

Thickness of the device

Many users shared the exterior design of the iPhone 5s was one of the best, but for when the iPhone 7 would like to have a similar look to the iPhone 5s but with the thickness of the iPhone 6. Given the trend It is following Apple Think you will go for devices with glass on both sides, like the iPhone 4 and 4S or continue with the metal?

Details screen

Some argued that iPhone users would like to have an iPhone with sapphire crystal screen and a curved area to display notifications. It seems like a somewhat risky move for Apple to take her on, but it could work.

as-serious-iphone-7-you could-I design it

Water resistance

Like other competing devices, many users said that the inclusion of water resistance for the iPhone would be useful to increase sales and overall appeal of the device. We have already seen the first steps of the company in this field with the Apple Watch and possibly to risk implementing this feature in new mobile devices.

RAM and storage

We also find the questions that are related to memory. While the iOS operating system can work better speed without so powerful as Android smartphones RAM, the fact is that the users appreciate the iPhone 7 have 2 GB of RAM and a storage space 32 GB, aside 16GB versions will always fall short when one wants to carry many songs or videos.

The camera

Finally, the design of the iPhone 7 could include a 13 megapixel camera sensor for many users. It is an inclusion that many users considered necessary because the iPhone is one of the most used to take photographs phones and if rumors similar to SLRs quality meet the new generation iPhone would be an almost guaranteed success .

What other features would you like to see in the next iPhone 7?

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