+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to change the user agent in the Google Chrome browser

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Chrome use the User Agent an iPad to surf the internet at higher speed, load pages with fewer elements and a simpler format, created for this device.

Lots of existing Internet web pages are overloaded with unnecessary, annoying and obsolete elements that make them extremely heavy to carry.
This is increased if you use a slow network connection or if there is heavy traffic on the network.
One of the alternatives mentioned in a previous post to solve this problem is to use a PC or laptop with the web browser user agent of a portable device.
Thus the big sites like Google, Facebook, Twitter and others, will serve pages demand different format, much easier.
In this post we explain all the steps how to use the Google Chrome browser user agent of an iPad, but in the same way you can use an iPhone or an Android device you use.


Browse in Google Chrome as an iPad

1- Create a shortcut to Google Chrome on the desktop.
That gives a right mouse click and choose from the menu: New -> Shortcut.
In the Location field enter:
% LOCALAPPDATA% / Google / Chrome / Application / chrome.exe

2- Give a right click on the shortcut created and choose "Properties".
3- The "Destination" box contains the path to the executable program, it is only necessary at the end to create a space and add -user-agent command = more user agent device.

4- To navigate like an iPad copy and paste the following:
-user-agent = "Mozilla / 5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit / 531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version / 4.0.4 Mobile / 7B314 Safari / 531.21. 10?

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