+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

solution to Error 101  Google Chrome

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Yesterday a friend brought me his home computer. The problem? Basically, both Google Chrome and other browsers will thrown an error connecting to the Internet. However, you could use the Messenger with no problem. Therefore, the first guess was that I had a virus that stayed did not allow him to use his connection correctly.

The poster showed Chrome to try to access any web site as follows:

This website is not diponible.
It is possible that the website ... is temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to another address
Error 101 (net :: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): Unknown error

So after some searching I found a solution to the error 101, at least in my case, it was useful: download Malware Antibytes (to my taste, the best program of this type) from my computer and then move the installer to the computer infected by a pendrive.

Then I installed it, and then proceeded to perform a full scan using the aforementioned anti-malware, in a process that usually lasts usually several minutes. The computer threw a couple of infected objects, of which only a percentage was related to Error 101, and proceeded to remove all malware acknowledged.

After doing so, I restarted the computer and start Windows the error was gone so undoubtedly recommend to solve this problem in this way; It is simple, effective and quite fast.

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