+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Gmail More Email Add accounts

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Gmail app has received donated in addition to the material design is another very useful feature since the last update. It can be hinzugefügrt under the Gmail now more e-mail accounts. Previously it was only possible to use Gmail addresses with the app. Now e-mail addresses from other providers such as GMX, Freenet, 1und1 etc. can be created and accessed through the Gmail app.

In this article we explain to you now how "strange" on an Android Smartphone within the Gmail app, a new e-mail account adds.

Opens to the First Gmail on your Android smartphone. If you find yourself in the overview, typed in the top left on the symbol with the three bars or wiping with your finger from the left screen edge to the center. In the side menu now scroll down and select "Settings". Here you can now "Add account" to create a new e-mail account by clicking the button. After you've tapped the entry, you can choose between "Google Account" or "Personal (IMAP / POP)".

Select here "Personally (IMAP / POP)". You can now set up your e-mail address and Gmail will automatich retrieve the proper access settings. Only your password for the email account is still needed. Typing on "Next" and the new e-mail account is created within Gmail and can be used.

You know now how to create a new e-mail may invest mailbox on an Android Smartphone within the Gmail app, from which the E-mails can be managed in Gmail.

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