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by (40.6k points)

Smartphone - Why no new firmware update?

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

A firmware update usually brings improvements and new features are released that improve the smartphone. Why would you also update as soon as possible, as a rule, if a new firmware version is ready for its own smartphone. Now it may be that you yourself have not had the opportunity to install a new firmware, though other users have the same cell phone already installed. If so, then you ask you may also like:
Why my smartphone, no new firmware update? We answer this question you.

There are two variants of smartphones:

Smartphone with branding
Smartphone without Branding
Branding means that a mobile operator has designed the firmware and provided with their own apps and features. This includes, for example, the boot splash screen, which is usually provided with the logo of the provider. Learn more about branding you can learn here.

Because customizing the firmware software by the Provider takes time, it usually takes longer and longer until a firmware update for a smartphone with branding receives.

It may therefore well be that the "free" Smartphones have received the firmware update without branding, the branding devices but still have to wait.

We recommend you therefore always acquire smartphones, which are available without branding.

You know now why you have not received a new firmware update for your smartphone, although other devices have this installed already.

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